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At Undercover Yeti Ltd, we take the subject of customer care very seriously, all complaints are treated with the utmost respect and responsibility. We believe that our customers’ views are important to us and help to ensure our services including our cosmetic store, are consistently meeting people’s needs. If any of our services do not leave you completely satisfied, please contact us and make us aware, we will take appropriate action to solve any issues that you have as soon as possible. We aim to learn from our mistakes so that we can consistently improve the services that we provide. To make a complaint you should contact us by either using our contact form found here, or alternatively emailing us at

Please provide as much information and detail as possible when initially contacting us, this could include the relevant item, order number and the time of the transaction.

If there are any, please let us know of any actions you wish us to take/consider when resolving your complaint.

Please provide as much contact information as possible, this includes telephone number, Email address and the best times for us to call you, this is in case we require further information from you.

Please do not supply any sensitive information such as bank account details at any times.

We will do our best to resolve complaints within three business days following receipt. However, if we are unable to do this we will: 

  • Acknowledge your complaint in writing as soon as reasonably practicable assuring you that we have received the complaint and it is being dealt with. We will also include a copy of this procedure.

  • Keep you informed of the progress of the complaint.

  • Provide you with a final response within 8 weeks of receipt of the complaint.

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